The Journal
Insights and Inspiration
Reflections About Love, Life and What It Means To Live Consciously
Blog Posts:
Is the 2-day Integrative Couples Therapy Intensive (ICTI) Right for Your Relationship?
Are you looking for fast, focused and deep healing of your relationship? Integrative Couples Intensive Therapy (ICTI) will help you break through barriers and rebuild your connection faster than traditional weekly sessions.
Are you feeling disconnected from your partner? But you don't want to do therapy - How about attending the next Hold Me Tight® Workshop?
Transform your relationship in our 7-week educational and experiential Hold Me Tight® online Workshop. Learn to break negative cycles, heal past hurts, and create lasting emotional connection from the comfort of your home.
5 Essential Tips for Developing Empathy in Your Romantic Relationship
Empathy serves as the cornerstone of intimate relationships, allowing partners to truly understand each other's feelings and perspectives. Without it, you risk emotional disconnect and misunderstandings that can erode your bond.
Are you ready for Marriage? Beyond the Love Story
You want to get married, but something is off. Your intuition might be right. This article will give you the tips and red flags to look for before you pop the question.
Thinking of Getting Married? How Premarital Counselling Can Help You Navigate Money and Family Planning.
Every engaged couple dreams of their wedding day, but what about the years that follow? Premarital counseling helps couples tackle crucial conversations about money and family planning, building a foundation for lasting happiness.
Why do we fight? Turning Disagreements into Opportunities
When you and your partner fight, it often feels like a step backward. But what if conflict could actually strengthen your relationship? The secret lies in transforming those heated moments into opportunities for deeper connection.
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